
For Students / Residents / Fellows

Postdoctoral Fellowships

Postdoctoral appointments provide their recipients with additional training after the doctorate, or its professional equivalent, that prepares them for independent careers as scientists and scholars. While most postdoctoral officers are recent recipients of the doctorate, or its professional equivalent, it is also appropriate to give these appointments to individuals of greater experience who wish to retrain themselves for careers in a new discipline or specialty. Postdoctoral officers work under the guidance of a principal investigator who may be a faculty member or an officer of research.  Given the purpose of the appointment, these officers normally remain at the University for a limited duration lasting no more than three years.

For more information on Postdoctoral appointments within our division,  please contact our Division Administrator at 212-543-5558.


New York State Psychiatric InstituteNew York-PresbyterianThe Brain Stimulation & Therapeutic Modulation (BSTM) Division specializes in the use of emerging electromagnetic means of modulation brain function to study and treat psychiatric disorders. Columbia University Medical CenterDivision of Brain Stimulation & Therapeutic Modulation Home