Nancy Turret obtained her B.A. from New York University. While participating in the work-study program with Spence Chapin Family Services in New York City, she pursued her Master’s Degree (M.S.W) in Social Work at Fordham University and thereafter obtained her New York State Certification License and Board Certified Diplomat License. For several years, she devoted herself to child welfare, working alternatively with foster and biological mothers. She conducted home visits and testified in Family Court on child custody matters. When she decided to focus her energy on preventative rather than protective social services, she joined The Children’s Aid Society. There, she provided intensive casework to high risk families to avoid foster care placement. Ultimately, Nancy Turret accepted a position as a clinical social worker with the New York City Health and Hospital Corporation; she was placed at Gouverneuer Hospital where she provided crisis intervention and ongoing individual and group services for pregnant teenagers. She supervised graduate students at New York University and completed a 26 week training seminar in supervision.
In 1985, her professional path and desire to work in an inpatient setting brought her to The New York State Psychiatric Institute. For the past twenty-three years, as a senior social worker, Ms. Turret has provided individual, family, and group services on the in-patient General Clinical Services Unit, the Schizophrenic Unit as well as the out-patient Mid and Late Life Depression Unit and Brain Behavior Clinic. As part of the Department Of Clinical Psychopharmacology and under the training of Steven Roose M.D., Ms. Turret serviced patients with acute affective disorder, eating disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder and conducted cognitive behavioral therapy. In the Late Life Depression Clinic and Brain Behavior Clinic, Ms. Turret has been recognized for her accuracy as a rater in the use of structured standard interviewing scales such as SCID I, SCID II, Hamilton Rating Scale, Mini Mental Status Exam.
As an Instructor in Clinical Psychiatric Social Work at Columbia University and New York University, Nancy Turret has trained medical students and residents, undergraduate and pre-professional interns, graduate students in social work and PhD fellows in a variety of rating scales and specific instruments utilized in a variety of research protocols.
Currently, Nancy Turret conducts a variety of diagnostic rating scales as the Senior social worker in The Brain Behavior Clinic under the direction of Sarah Lisanby M.D., Chief of the Columbia Brain Stimulation and Neuromodulation Division. Ongoing rating scales are conducted within the wide range of protocols that run in The Brain Stimulation and Therapeutic Modulation division which follow patients receiving brain stimulation techniques in deep brain stimulation (DBS), magnetic seizure therapy (MST), transcranial direct current stimulation (Tdcs), transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) Diagnostic and ongoing rating assessments are also conducted in The Mid and Late Life Depression Clinic as well as providing complicated bereavement treatment for the complicated bereavement protocol run by Dr. Katherine Shear. Complicated Grief Treatment utilizes an interpersonal psychotherapy framework as well as cognitive behavioral techniques to target trauma related symptoms and motivational enhancement techniques to address issues of engagement in life.
D.P. Devanand, M.D., Mitchell S. Nobler, M.D., Jocelyn Cheng, B.A.,Nancy Turret, M.S.W. Gregory H. Pelton, M.D., Steven P. Roose, M.D., Harold A. Sackeim, PhD. “ A Randomized, Placebo Controlled Trail of Fluxotine Treatment for Elderly Patients”American Journal of Psychiatry 2005 13:59-68
D.P. Devanand, M.D., Nicole Juszczak, B.S., Mitchell S. Nobler, M.D., Nancy Turret, M.S.W., Linda Fitzsimmons, R.N., Harold A. Sackeim, PhD., Steven P. Roose, M.D. “ An Open Treatment of Venlofaxine for Elderly Patients with Dysthymic Disorder” Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology Vol.17 No.4, 219-224 (2004)
Steven P. Roose, M.D. Marrisa Miyazaki, Dev Devanand, M.D. Stuart Seidman, M.D., Linda Fitzsimmons, R.N., Nancy Turret, M.S,W., and Harold Sackeim, PhD. “ An Open Trail of Venlafaxine for the Treatment of Late Life Atypical Depression.” International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2004; 19 989-994
D.P. Devanand, M.D., Nancy Turret, M.S.W., Bobba J. Moody, M.S.W., Linda Fitzsimmons, R.N., Shoshana Peysor, M.S.W., Katerina Mickle, B.A.., Mitchell S. Nobler, M.D., Steven P. Roose, M.D., “ Personality Disorders in Elderly Patients with Dysthymic Disorder.”American Journal of Geriatic Psychiatry ,# 8:188-195, 2000.
Mitchell S. Nobler, M.D., D.P. Devanand, M.D., Min Kyung Kim, Linda Fitzsimmons, R.N., Tara M. Singer, Nancy Turret, M.S.W., Harold A. Sackheim, Ph.D. and Steven P. Roose, M.D. “ Fluoxetine Treatment of Dysthymia in the Elderly.” The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry # 57, 6. Pp 254-256 - June, 1996.
D.P. Devanand, M.D., Mitchell S. Nobler, M.D., Tara Singer, B.A., Judith E. K iersky, Ph.D. Nancy Turret, M.S.W., S.P. Roose, M.D., and H.A. Sackeim, Ph.D. “ Is Dysthymia a Different Disorder in the Elderly ? “ The Journal of American Psychiatry # 151. 11. Pp 1592 -1599 November, 1994.
May, 2003. Poster Presentation - Nancy Turret, M.S.W., Carol Diamond, M.D. Gregory Pelton, M.D. - “ Collaboration of An Internist and a Social Worker in a General Practioner’s Office “ Annual American Psychiatric Association Meeting.
May,1997. Poster Presentation - Nancy Turret M.S.W., Steven P. Roose, M.D. Devanand Davongere, M.D., and Harold Sackheim, Ph.D. - “ Caregiver Status in Late Life Depression.” Annual American Psychiatric Association Meeting.
November, 1997. Poster Presentation - Nancy Turret, M.S.W., Steven P. Roose., Devanand Davongere, M.D., and Harold Sackheim, Ph.D. - “ Caregiver Status in Late Life Depression. “